
Artigo científico publicado: “Paradigm: A Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Presented at the Conferences of the POMS from 2000 to 2010”

Publicado um novo artigo científico de minha lavra em coautoria com os pesquisadores e meu ex-alunos no PPGA da UMESP, João Almeida Santos e José Antonio Massaroppe. Este foi no periódico científico Independent Journal of Management & Production – IJM&P, que é QUALIS B3 em Administração, Contabilidade e Turismo.


RESUMO: This study presents bibliometrics on Paradigm in papers presented at the Production and Operation Management Society (POMS) from 2000 to 2010, and establishes the profile of the authors and the theoretical relationships present in those papers’ content. The portal of the Production and Operation Management Society and the abstracts contained in each of the events of the period were used, seeking to highlight the concept of Paradigm and its approaches. As a result, the articles presented at the POMS from 2000 to 2010, at least three out of the four hundred papers had the concept in its title or abstract, besides being within the central arguments of these same items analyzed by this study.

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SANTOS, J. A.; MASSAROPPE, J. A.; CLARO, J. A. C. S. Paradigm: A Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Presented at the Conferences of the POMS from 2000 to 2010. Independent Journal of Management & Production – IJM&P, v. 5, n. 1, p. 186–201, 2014.


Prof. Alberto Claro

Doutor em Comunicação Social; Professor de Administração da UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Investidor-anjo em empresas de tecnologia, entretenimento e gastronomia; Diretor de Comunicação (voluntário) da Casa da Esperança de Santos®; Palestrante nacional e internacional na área de Administração, Comunicação e Marketing.

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