RESUMO: The main objective of this paper is to present the theoretical conceptual discussions on hospitality and deepen the little explored subject of Corporate Hospitality, which deals with the hospitable relations within the workplace. As a result, there was a consistent theoretical definition for the devel- opment of this organizational concern and the emergence of indicators that may be used in future empirical studies. An exploratory study with a deep revision, followed by a field research through a survey with managers concerning
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Artigo Científico Publicado: Theoretical and Empirical Evolution in Corporate Hospitality
Prof. Alberto Claro
Doutor em Comunicação Social; Professor de Administração da UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Investidor-anjo em empresas de tecnologia, entretenimento e gastronomia; Diretor de Comunicação (voluntário) da Casa da Esperança de Santos®; Palestrante nacional e internacional na área de Administração, Comunicação e Marketing.