
Mendeley publica entrevista com Prof. Alberto Claro após visita à sede da empresa em Londres

Em abril (2015) estive em Londres, Inglaterra em viagem profissional para pesquisa científica e aproveitei para visitar os meus parceiros do Mendeley. E não é que minha visita foi alvo de reportagem na newsletter mundial deles (e no Twitter). Segue aí as imagens e o link para acessar a reportagem:



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Leia aqui a entrevista original:
Muitos Parabéns (Congratulations) to our  April Advisor of the Month, Prof. José Alberto Claro, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil. Alberto is a Professor in Business Administration and recently came to visit the Mendeley office in London during his travels.
Alberto visit copy
(Alberto with Joao Bernardino and Sarah Hoey, at the Mendeley office, April 2015)
Alberto obtained his degree in Social Communication from the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Methodist University of São Paulo) and stayed there to earn his Masters in Business Administration, and subsequent research professorship in 2011. At the beginning of 2014, Alberto took up his Adjunct Professorship at Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Federal University of São Paulo, UNIFESP). Alberto’s publications cover a wide range of topics from economics, human resource management, entrepreneurship, scientific writing and tourism.
When asked about his thoughts on Mendeley, Alberto enthusiastically replied:

I am extremely dependent on Mendeley. Its use is intuitive and enjoyable. I have all my theoretical repository stored in it. In addition, over time, my learning curve was much easier to the point of becoming a Mendeley Advisor. I believe that more people would benefit from it.
Thank you, Mendeley.

How did you get into your field and what is your research story?
I do research in the area of ​​Administration and Business, but I work in the Department of Marine Sciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. I study the relationships of society, organizations and cities with the sea. I always tried to merge business objectives with the researcher activities. In the last years I have been dedicating myself only to scientific research.
Where do you do your research/work the best? What kind of environment suits you?
I like to do my job in a relaxed, creative environment with people who also have the same interest for science. I try to encourage it to my students and mentees.
How long have you been on Mendeley and what were you using prior to Mendeley? How does Mendeley influence your research?
I already started using Mendeley five years ago. Before, I kept the files in folders on my computer and, indeed, it was very confusing locate them, catalog them, organize them, and then reference them in my research reports or scientific articles.Then Mendeley came and solved all these issues in a way unique. It was love at first use. Today it makes everything faster. The operating part of the registration information is already established, releasing me to the creative part of the research.
Why did you decide to become an Advisor and how are you involved with the program?
I decided to become an advisor because of my ever increasing interest in the tool to the point of using it quite easily. I thought, why not show it to others? Perhaps they will benefit from the features as I do. From then, I asked Mendeley and was accepted. It made me very happy.
Alberto Claro
What academic/researcher/librarian would you like to work with or meet – dead or alive?
I would like to meet Peter Drucker (dead). Great researcher in the area of ​​Administration.
What book are you reading at the moment and why?
I read several books at once, and many, many scientific papers as well. But like books related to scientific research method.
What is the best part about working in research?
The best part of working with scientific research is to see my work recognized by peers after a publication and it being a source of knowledge, or information, to new researchers. It’s rewarding.
And the worst/most challenging?
The most challenging is to overcome the challenges of publication in scientific journals of high impact. Competition is very strong and there are other influences besides the scientific merit, that not one should mention. But the joys are greater still.
What is the one thing you want people to know about Mendeley?
About Mendeley I want people to know that he is fantastic and definitive for a researcher.




Prof. Alberto Claro

Doutor em Comunicação Social; Professor de Administração da UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Investidor-anjo em empresas de tecnologia, entretenimento e gastronomia; Diretor de Comunicação (voluntário) da Casa da Esperança de Santos®; Palestrante nacional e internacional na área de Administração, Comunicação e Marketing.

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